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Weekly foreign exchange eDM
At HSBC, we provide you with insights to keep track of the global currency markets and spot opportunities when they become available.

  Weekly FX Highlights
Optimise your investment opportunities with the latest FX market news and information.
Click on the link below to view the FX Market Commentary:
- AUD: Australia's December commodity special drawing rights index fell 23.3% Year-on-Year, falling higher than prior. AUD/USD once fell to 0.7153 level. Australia's trade balance data is on Thursday.
- GBP: UK's December manufacturing PMI came in at 51.9, lower than expectation. GBP/USD once dropped to 1.4661 level. Market awaits the release of UK's trade balance on Friday along side with US Non-farm payroll.
- RMB: China's December Caixin manufacturing PMI came in at 48.2, lower than expectation. USD/CNH once rose to 6.6343 level. Market will be observing the release of December Consumer and Producer Price index on Saturday.

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