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Dear Customer
Thank you for your continuous support to HSBC MPF. HSBC MPF strives to provide our customers with quality services and enable customer to manage their MPF accounts more effectively.
We are pleased to inform you that, HSBC MPF is introducing a new electronic notification service for our members to catch up with their latest MPF account status and to learn about the latest MPF information more efficiently and conveniently. Starting from 29 August 2016, HSBC MPF will send an email notification as an acknowledgement to you after we have allocated units to your MPF contribution account following a contribution and/or surcharge is paid by your employers.
This electronic notification will be sent to your latest and relevant valid email address record with HSBC MPF. If you would like to update your email address, simply return us with the completed 'Personal Details Change Form' (IN91). Should you have any queries, please contact our HSBC MPF Member Hotline on (852) 3128 0128.
Yours faithfully Retirement Benefits Administration
Please do not reply to this email. Should you wish to contact us, please send your email to inhkcsv@hsbc.com.hk.
It is important that you do not provide or convey any confidential data or instructions in your reply email.
We maintain strict security standards and procedures to prevent unauthorised access to information about you. We will never contact you by email or otherwise to ask you to validate personal information such as your user ID, MPF phone PIN or password. If you receive such a request, please call our HSBC MPF Member Hotline (852) 3128 0128.
This email is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify us immediately by calling the above hotline.
Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error- or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
The MPF associated services, including but not limited to the internet service, ATM, consolidated bank statement, branch network and part of the hotline service, are provided through The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited
Reference number: MPF e1A_EE 0816